Free KBBI Offline

My friends, sometimes when we write hesitant to use certain words for fear of writing or there is doubt whether the term is in Indonesian. Well this is where the function KBBI (Great Dictionary of Indonesian) in the world of writing.

About KBBI, as disclosed in its website mas Ebta ( KBBI version 1.1 is an offline version of KBBI Daring (third edition) in PusatBahasa ( Compared to the online version of this software has some advantages, and besides this Dictionary Free (freeware) and freely distributed provided they are not changing the software.

The idea to create a dictionary of this offline version KBBI appear when viewing the site, and all had re-review of Delphi programming that's been a while not used anymore. The database is taken from the website with the automation program that is also made with Delphi 7 personal. KBBI v1.1 is portable, so just download and run, without needing to install.

Use and Features
Deliberately no manual or help file, because its use is very easy, just enter the word you want to search and press enter or click the search button, it will display the meaning of the word in question if any.
Meaning that appear already in the format in such a way as to allow users to read and look for the definition of the word in question. Two left-hand column is the result of the search words, with explanations:
  • The column above is a list of words that is the basic word
  • The second column is the result of a search, but we did not find the word basis but on a derivative or compound words (in termed the sub-theme if not mistaken)
Right part is the definition of the word is displayed with a color that gives the following meanings:
  • The color red with a yellow background is the theme (the base) </ div> The red color with a number is the number of meaning or definition of the word </ div> red color without the background is a sub theme or a derivative word </ li>
  • blue color is a kind word or including in terms of what </ div> black color is the meaning or definition of the word
  • green color is an example of the use of the word in a sentence </ div> purple color is an example of the maxim </ div> black color with a green background are the search results contained in the sub-theme or word derivatives
So congratulations to download and try this software, may be useful. To download click on the link: KBBI v1.1  (size : 3.2 MB).
(Author : Adrie-270111)
